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PESACH PARCEL – a Pesach/Easter parcels costs 220 SEK 2024 and contains 1 KG matzah (the unleavened passover bread), 1 bottle of wine and other food items that are part of the seder meal (passover meal).
If you want to celebrate someone, remember someone, thank someone you can do with with a gift aimed at Baltic Jewish Forum. Contact our office phone +46-(0)8 664 5338 or email and we will arrange a gift certificate.
BECOME A MEMBER! The fee from 2024 is 250 SEK per person and year. Membership if you are under 26 years is 100 SEK per year. As a member you support us and can make an impact.
BG: 5036-6822 BG inlaga Nr 6. 2024
Swish: 1232138899